The MMMM is a free award-winning monthly crossword, published at noon on the first Tuesday of each month. Its difficulty level is similar to a NY Times Tuesday or Wednesday puzzle. To finish the puzzle, solvers need to figure out the meta, which is usually a song or band. Solvers have until Sunday at 11pm ET to submit their answer to the meta. For those that are stumped, a hint is provided at this website as soon as each contest closes Sunday night, and the solution is published two days later, at noon on Tuesday.
In addition to these metas, the 12 monthly puzzles include a mega-meta. The 13th and final puzzle of the year, the mega-meta reveal, is published on the penultimate Tuesday of December, and gives solvers a chance to solve the mega-meta in a single puzzle. Like last year, solvers need to guess the mega-meta early to earn bonus points and qualify for the Grand Prize drawing, as explained in the contest rules. Also like last year, the December puzzle will provide a hint to the mega-meta. This year’s mega-meta is a song from the ’90s.
Red Herring
This year’s contest also features a red herring, something hidden in the puzzles just like a mega-meta, but leading to a dead end. Solvers get one try at figuring out the red herring, and they can submit their answer anytime during the year. Successful answers earn 5 points. This year’s red herring is a rock band that’s been around since the ’80s.
Each month, a randomly chosen solver gets a free MMMM coffee mug. At the end of the year, a Grand Prize winner is chosen using a random drawing. All solvers who have correctly guessed the mega-meta before the final puzzle of the year and have solved at least 8 of the 12 regular-season metas correctly are eligible to win the Grand Prize. You also qualify for the Grand Prize drawing if you solve the mega-meta and 10 out of 12 of the monthly puzzles, even if you don’t solve the mega-meta early.
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