September MMMM

2 Sep

Mug image 1

The eighth contest puzzle of 2014 is now published – you can find it hereThe meta for this puzzle is a band that has won multiple Grammy Awards. Enter your solution to the meta below before 11pm ET Sunday, September 7. There is also room to rate the puzzle and/or leave a comment. Feel free to suggest an additional theme entry in the comment box. 

E-mail address:
Rating:          Difficulty:
If I use your comment in the write-up, I will attribute it to your screen name. If you would like me to use your real name instead, please put it in the comment box.

As a reminder, the 2014 contest features a mega-meta, hidden in the 12 monthly puzzles. You can enter your solution to the mega-meta in the box at the right. Solvers who send in the correct answer to the mega-meta before the final puzzle get lots of bonus points, as explained in the Contest Rules. Because the reward is so large for getting the mega-meta before the final puzzle, there may be some tricks designed to throw you off the track. Consider yourself warned.

Thanks for playing!