2014 Puzzle 8: “Hit Me…and Again…and Again” Solution
This month’s MMMM asked for a blues-rock song from the ’70s. The four theme entries included OH BOY DO I NEED A DRINK, as well as three past hits from different artists: REBEL YELL, WHITE HORSE, and BLUE MOON. Three pictures (see below) are enough to reveal the answer to the meta: One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer, a George Thorogood cover that got a lot of airplay on ’70s rock radio. As a number of solvers pointed out, the song (written by Rudy Toombs) was originally recorded by Amos Milburn in the ’50s (with the beverage names in a different order), and then again in the ’60s by John Lee Hooker.
A healthy 130 solvers cracked the meta this month. In addition, 16 (!) more people solved the mega-meta and received 16.5 bonus points each. As a reminder, solvers can still earn an additional 5 bonus points plus 2 points for each month remaining in the contest by solving the mega-meta before the final puzzle.
Some solver comments:
Bob J Thanks for the puzzle, and the suggestion for my evening activity.
Norm H Well, I ain’t solved a meta since a-back in the spring. Been so sad, yeah, been feeling the sting. So I’m glad to get this easy one here. I love one bourbon, one scotch and one beer!
twofalls My first try at a meta. Pretty cool!
Anouk and Dannoz Thoroughly good
- One Bourbon
- One Scotch
- One Beer